where everything holds a story

Friday, June 29, 2007

I see loneliness in these teddies

Teddy bear crying.
At least he has a companion.

But when everybody else has left.
And all you can do is to sit there.
Wondering why.

What would you do?
Some people would choose to die.
Would you, too?

I look around. And i see that loneliness is everywhere.
You find lovers. You find friends.
You hear laughters.
You hear cries.
But what i hear most is lies.
Which this world is so full of.
I would not dare to think about forever.
With no one.
In nothing.
But ,
I've got Him.
Who make me sleep every night thinking that.
Tomorrow i will still be.
His children.
His diamond.
His most precious thing...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

THE VIDEO. Don't do drugs

It's too sad.

Drugs .

Bad .

I miss Brunei because of thunders and lightnings

God created the heaven and the earth.
So i guess He created the thunders and lightnings too.
cos their love em.
I miss sleeping back home on rainy days.
I love rainy days.
Canada doesn't rain heavy.
Thuderstorms my favourite lullaby.
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Someone died. He got struck by that damn pretty lightning. Why did this happen to him? Sucks. One camping trip with his 7 month pregnant sweetheart killed him and the baby. Dear God, i guess You allowed this to happen for a reason.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

John's Highscore

The bunny game from before.
This is John's crazy highscore.
I'm so proud of it though.

p/s : that is a very very cute bunny. plus a bigger version of the score so those with eye problems can still see it at ease.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


her feet...

her wrinkled hand...

I wonder if shed like the pictures i took for her. she wanted some pics with the flowers on one sunny day.
My grandma loves flowers.